Individuals who have signed the Global Climate Pledge

We are honored to have the following individuals lead the climate action movement in their cities, countries, and regions!

Together we will build a global legacy to protect our planet.

1879 Pledged and counting...

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Displaying 1,026 - 1,050 of 1,440

First NameLast NameCityCountry
EedanShwartzGoletaUnited States
HollieAlbinCoral GablesUnited States
BenjaminKlempaySan DiegoUnited States
GlennHallamOxnardUnited States
ArafathIMOROU T.ParakouBenin
VarshaMathraniNew York CityUnited States
AmberlouiseEverittWorthingUnited Kingdom
CharlotteCollier-HunterLondonUnited Kingdom
DanaLettlSouth MiamiUnited States
SamanthaBennettHailUnited States
EvalynnSchlettAltoUnited States
ScottRingleinAnn ArborUnited States
KarenKempDurhamUnited States
BradPeircePortlandUnited States
ElizabethFeldmanPortlandUnited States
TaylorSpicerDecaturUnited States
JoeySheaAtlantaUnited States
SPENSERRobinsonMount PleasantUnited States
EdgarSaquinVan NuysUnited States
RebeccaLeftonPort WashingtonUnited States
MohammedAl ShabotyAdenYemen
CateSouthwellRaleighUnited States
JeremyRiosSummerlandUnited States
First NameLast NameCityCountry


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