The Global Climate Pledge

I have the power to make a positive difference in our climate crisis.

I will use my power to do everything I can, through my actions and my voice, to bring about change.

I will lead and encourage others to work as a team to solve this challenge.

Together, we will succeed!

The change begins here, with me, now.

1888 pledged out of 1000

Individual Pledge

  • By entering your mobile phone number above, you are opting to receive text messages from GCP. This field is optional. Standard messaging rates apply.
    1) Please select at least 1 NEW action that you are not already doing
    2) You can choose anywhere between 1 to all action items - only select the ones are you are committed to achieve
  • (These are listed first because they can make the biggest impact!)
  • (These will also save you Money!)
  • (Most of these are good for your health and save money!)
  • (These are good for your health too!)
  • * We may be able to provide an estimated calculation for the carbon emissions saved with these action items annually.

The Power of the Pledge
By signing and sharing this pledge…

  • You recognize the need for climate action and are taking the first steps in raising awareness.
  • You serve as an example to other leaders and members in your community and can inspire a commitment to change while raising your own profile.
  • You have the opportunity to become a part of a global community of like-minded individuals committed to a greener future.

1888 pledged out of 1000

Are you a business, NGO, government entity, religious organization, Indigenous nation, etc? Please click here to sign the Organizational Pledge.

** Are you already working on climate solutions with an organization? Great! Please contact us to see how we can collaborate and join forces!

Make a donation to support the Global Climate Pledge!



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