Global Climate Pledge Launches New Virtual Passport Program
The Global Climate Pledge has launched their newest initiative to provide global insight on the state of the environment in countries like Malawi, China, and Costa Rica via educational videos led by national environmental organizations.

Global Climate Pledge Partners with Green Wave to Present Green Wave U
Green Wave U is the first sustainability conference designed for college students to help catalyze the college environmental movement. Global Climate and Sustainability Organizations team and University team Manager, Hadley Willman, and Chambers for Sustainability Manager, Jesse Donck-Rains, help co-host this innovative event.
Global Climate Pledge Launches New University Climate Ambassador Program
Recognizing that university students are uniquely situated by their passion and education to make active environmental change on their college campuses, the U.S. Green Chamber of Commerce and Global Climate Pledge are proud to present their newest initiative: the University Climate Ambassador program.

Prince Harry, Leonardo Dicaprio, and Other Global ``Superstars`` Call to Stop Drilling in Africa
Prince Harry, joined by Namibian activist Reinhold Mangundu, wrote an op-ed for the Washington Post to help garner a global presence in taking a stand against oil and gas drilling the Okavango River Basin.
U.S. Green Chamber of Commerce Becomes EcoAthletes Organizational Supporter
Today’s announcement of a partnership between EcoAthletes and the U.S. Green Chamber of Commerce demonstrates the value of connecting the former’s network of climate change fighting Athlete Champions with the hundreds of thousands of sustainability-minded small, midsized and large American businesses and global corporations the latter represents.

How Sports Can Help The Global Climate Pledge Reach 2 Billion Signees By 2022
GreenSportsBlog spoke with Michelle Thatcher, Executive Director of the U.S. Green Chamber, about the role sports will play in helping the Global Climate Pledge reach its audacious goal.
Rugby Team Members Help Launch A Global Climate Movement
While most sport teams are sitting on the sidelines waiting for the COVID-19 pandemic to be over, top rugby players from around the world are using their voices to bring awareness to the importance of climate action.

Rugby Stars Join Climate Fight
A group of rugby players from the U.S. and Canada recently joined forces to take on climate change. They promoted the Global Climate Pledge — an initiative that aims to get two billion people worldwide to commit to reduce their carbon footprints by 2022 — during Earth Week.
Eagles Help Launch Global Climate Movement
While most sport teams are sitting on the sidelines waiting for the COVID-19 pandemic to be over, top rugby players from around the world are using their voices to bring awareness to the importance of climate action.

Rotary Club of Newport Beach Helps Launch Ambitious Climate Movement
For the 50th anniversary of Earth Day that takes place on April 22, the Rotary Club of Newport Beach along with the Green Chamber of Commerce and Climate Counts are launching what they believe is the most audacious goal ever: to have two billion individuals and companies around the world join in a Global Climate Pledge by 2022.