Tanzania Environmental Conservation Society
Tanzania Environmental Conservation Society (TECOSO) promotes natural habitat and ecosystem management, supports gender equality, and raises socioeconomic standards in disadvantaged communities in Tanzania and other parts of East Africa. The organization participates in research, consulting services, conservation efforts, health and social welfare, ecotourism, and leadership development to ensure that Tanzanian communities use sustainable environmental development methods to alleviate poverty. TECOSO’s activities focus on training and capacity development for land management, soil conservation and fertility, gender empowerment in natural resources management, agroforestry, and rainwater management and utilization. They have partnered with local and international educational institutions to provide research support and other services to experts to increase awareness on environmental issues.
***Categories: Communities, Equity, Conservation, Agriculture, Research, Clean Water

National Organizations
Nipe Fagio
Nipe Fagio is an organization dedicated to solving the waste management problem by integrating communities, the private sector and governments into the conversation. They identify needs and opportunities related to sustainable development and then work to build the capacity of each social sector. They encourage people to see themselves as the solution to the waste problem, and educate them on ways to make Tanzania clean, healthy and safe for generations to come.
***Individuals, Communities, Private Sector

PAMS Foundation
PAMS Foundation is a non-profit conservation organization that was founded in Tanzania in 2009 with a mission to empower people who protect wildlife and wild places. Their vision is creating a world where people are equipped to peacefully coexist with wildlife, understand the value of nature, and conserve biodiversity and habitats. PAMS seeks flexible solutions to address the most pressing challenges faced by wildlife and people living in natural areas. Their work consists of combating illegal wildlife and timber trafficking nationally and across borders, supporting the prosecution of environmental crimes, training and deploying rangers in the field, fostering sustainable livelihoods, and inspiring the next generation to protect nature through education. Their fieldwork primarily takes place in Tanzania, where they are registered as an international NGO. PAMS is also registered as a charity in the USA and as a non-profit organization in Italy.
***Categories: Conservation, Education, Governance

The Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association (WIOMSA)
The Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association (WIOMSA) is dedicated to promoting the educational, scientific and technological development of all aspects of marine sciences throughout the WIO region (consisting of 10 countries: Somalia, Kenya, Tanzania, Mozambique, South Africa, Comoros, Madagascar, Seychelles, Mauritius, Réunion (France)). Their mission is to sustain the use and conservation of its marine resources through the use and promotion of an interdisciplinary approach. WIOMSA has a particular interest in linking the knowledge that emerges from research to the management and governance issues that affect marine and coastal ecosystems in the region.
*** Individuals, Education

The Wildlife Conservation Society of Tanzania
There are many issues that affect conservation in Tanzania including poverty, education, human and wildlife health, population growth, development pressures, governance, land use planning, and technical and financial capacity. The Wildlife Conservation Society of Tanzania (WCS) strives to engage all of these key issues in its conservation work, with an overall mission of helping Tanzania conserve its extraordinary wildlife and environment. They work to protect Tanzania’s unique biodiversity and rich natural heritage through science, landscape level interventions, community support, species conservation and addressing key global challenges.
*** Individuals, Communities

National Organziations