Ocean Conservation Namibia

Ocean Conservation Namibia (OCN) raises awareness of the global plastic pollution crisis through its seal rescue programs. OCN’s primary objective is assisting entangled seals and other marine animals along the Namibian coast to safety. Besides seal rescues, the organization’s projects also focus on beach and desert cleanups, awareness campaigns, and rehabilitation efforts. Through observation, direct action, exposure, and education, OCN hopes to encourage individuals worldwide to change their behavior to promote a more sustainable future.


***Categories: Advocacy, Education, Research, Conservation

Integrated Rural Development and Nature Conservation

The Integrated Rural Development and Nature Conservation (IRDNC) organization works in Namibia and has pioneered one of Africa’s leading models of community-based natural resource management. IRDNC’s mission is to link conservation to the social and economic development of people in rural areas of Namibia to secure a long-term place for wild animals outside of national parks. They also aim to build up the capacity of rural Namibians and help them develop a civil society whose members can sustainably manage and benefit from their local natural resources. IRDNC’s work is based on a long-term commitment and vision of change.


***Categories: Communities, Conservation, Education, Public Participation

Namib Desert Environmental Education Trust (NaDEET)

The Namib Desert Environmental Education Trust (NaDEET) is a non-profit Namibian trust that believes environmental education is critical for increasing awareness, knowledge, and eco-friendly attitudes and skills amongst Namibia’s youth and educators. The organization focuses on increasing participation among the community to find suitable, everyday solutions to environmental problems. NaDEET’s objectives are to address relevant environmental issues through hands-on, experiential learning and to create a sense of respect and responsibility for the natural environment and the Namib Desert.


***Categories: Education, Youth, Conservation, Communities

Namibia Wildlife and Environment Society (NEWS)

The Namibian Wildlife & Environment Society (NEWS) is a non-profit organization that aims to integrate environmental concerns into all aspects of human activity. They believe that finding the balance between development and a healthy environment is essential to protecting all life and biodiversity on earth. NEWS offers various sources of information, such as panels, debates, and an annual magazine to help create a better understanding of environmental problems that are occurring throughout Namibia and the world.


***Categories: Biodiversity, Information, Sustainable Development

Namibia Youth Coalition on Climate Change (NYCCC)

The Namibia Youth Coalition on Climate Change aims to engage young Namibians to take action in the fight against climate change. The organization is a network of youth groups, youth individuals, government and educational institutions and other passionate members of society that are dedicated to working together to preserve the environment of Namibia. Under the coalition, the Namibian Youth works together to build a strong foundation on dealing with uncertainties and adapt to climate change.


***Categories: Youth, Individuals, Institutions

The Namibia Nature Foundation (NNF)

The Namibia Nature Foundation is Namibia’s leading conservation and sustainable development organization. They contribute to a wide range of programs through their core technical specialisms and expertise in financial and project management. The Foundation promotes sustainable development, the conservation of biological diversity and natural ecosystems, and the ethical use of natural resources for the benefit of both present and future Namibians. The NNF envisions a sustainable Namibia both in terms of its people and the land upon which they develop.


***Categories: Individuals, Corporations

National Organizations


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