Association for the Conservation of Biodiversity of Kazakhstan (ACBK)
The Association for the Conservation of Biodiversity of Kazakhstan (ACBK) is a non-governmental organization focused on preserving the natural biodiversity of Kazakhstan. ACBK carries out studies of habitats and species to determine the best approach to monitor and improve biodiversity. They also lobby for conservation policies in Kazakhstan, raise awareness of international environmental issues, and assist local nature organizations and student groups.
***Categories: Individuals, Youth

Greenwomen was established to fulfill the initiative of women journalists specializing in ecological issues coverage. Their aim to facilitate public participation in the process of resolving environmental issues by increasing public awareness and developing ecological mentality among people living in Central Asia. They also strive to create a favorable social environment fostering active public participation in environmental decision-making at the local, regional and international levels and establish a system distributing ecological information and knowledge among all interested parties in Central Asia.
***Categories: Women, Organizations

The Ecological Forum of Kazakhstan NGOs (Ecoforum) is the national network of environmental non-governmental organizations of the Republic of Kazakhstan and was launched in an effort to unite Kazakhstan’s environmental organizations. In 2002, Ecoforum opened a Resource Center in Almaty to support campaigns, e.g., opposing the importation of nuclear waste and logging of virgin forests, and promoting responsible water management.
***Categories: NGOs, Organizations

EcoMuseum is an environmental organization based in Kazakhstan which works to increase public awareness and participation on environmental issues as well as democratic processes present in Kazakh society. One of their main focuses is combating climate change, which they do through conducting their own research, implementing renewable energy programs, developing cooperation between the government and the people of Kazakhstan, and holding educational programs and events. Many of EcoMuseum’s specialists are currently working on creating a new environmental policy which would directly address the effects of climate change for the first time in Kazakhstan’s history.
***Categories: Individuals, Youth

The Kazakhstan Agency of Applied Ecology (KAPE)
The Kazakhstan Agency of Applied Ecology was established in Kazakhstan in 1996, and is now the largest independent environmental consulting company in the country. KAPE has offices in Aktobe, Aktau, Atyrau, Astana, and Tbilisi in Georgia as of 2016. A lot of KAPE’s work is centered around research and design of new environmental projects and clean energy technologies. They take extra steps to be certain that they are always complying with the most stringent environmental regulations. Some of their other work includes innovating and constructing new clean energy systems, conducting surveys, environmental monitoring, and carrying out environmental audits.
***Categories: Individuals, Businesses, Communities

National Organizations