Grown In Haiti
Since its initiation in 2014, the grassroots organization Grown In Haiti has been a source of sustainability, support, and success for the people of Jacmel, Haiti. The organization’s mission is to enrich the environment and communities around them through planting a diverse amount of fruit-bearing trees. At no cost to the recipient, these trees are shared with the Haiti community to help them reach more independence and stability when it comes to access to food. Beyond providing food security, many recipients have worked towards economic security by selling the abundant fruit these trees produce for profit. The wide dispersal of these trees helps the environment by fostering more fertile soil and providing an environment for endangered species, such as the Hispaniolan Hutia, to find sanctuary in. Since its start, Grown In Haiti has grown and dispersed over 6,000 trees.

National Organizations
Fondation pour la Protection de la Biodiversité Marine (FoProBiM)
Fondation pour la Protection de la Biodiversité Marine (FoProBiM) is a non-profit organization founded in 1992 and works with different community groups making use of environmental resources. Their goal is to raise awareness and knowledge on the environmental issues affecting their country through education and research. FoProBiM is one of the oldest environmental organizations in Haiti which has allowed them to partner with many like-minded organizations such as the Ocean Conservancy and the Global Coral Reef Monitoring Network.
**Individuals, Communities

Haiti Survie
Haiti Survie was founded in 1993 and works on erosion and soil degradation, waste management and awareness campaigns. They have built partnerships with many organizations including Friends of the Earth and the Caribbean Youth Environment Network to address environmental issues and work together on solutions. Awareness campaigns come from their environmental education program as well as their reforestation program which plants fruit trees that will not only help in carbon sequestration, but also help with limiting the hunger of the community.
**Individuals, Communities

Organization for the Rehabilitation of the Environment (ORE)
Organization for the Rehabilitation of the Environment (ORE) was established in 1985 with the objective to improve environmental, agricultural, and economic conditions in Haiti. They have found that investing in high revenue tree crops and marketing programs have successfully increased crop yields and farmer income as well as producing nutrient rich foods that protect our soil environment. To further assist the farming community who depends greatly on environmental, agricultural, and economic conditions to survive, ORE has planned a future project of providing a bamboo nursery and dried fruit facility to the community.
**Individuals, Communities

SOIL is a non-profit research and development organization working in Haiti to design, test, and implement sustainable and cost-effective solutions to the sanitation crisis. SOIL‘s sanitation service provides in-home toilets to urban households and treats 100% of the waste through an ecological waste treatment process that transforms human waste into organic compost. The compost can then be applied to support agriculture and food production in Haiti, restore degraded soils, and promote carbon sequestration.
**Individuals, Communities, Sanitation, Sustainable Development

National Organizations