National Organizations

Asociación de Comunidades Forestales de Petén (ACOFOP)
Asociación de Comunidades Forestales de Petén (Association of Forest Communities of Petén) is a community based organization made of 24 rural, farm and indigenous communities. AOFCOP uses forest management to guarantee the sustainable usage of the forests in Petén, Guatemala. Some of the projects they are involved in include Guatercarbon, an initiative to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the Mayan biosphere reserve, and economic reactivation, a program to teach sustainable agriculture in local communities.

Asociación de Reservas Naturales Privadas de Guatemala (ARNPG)

Asociación Vivamos Mejor

Defensores de la Naturaleza


Fundación para el Ecodesarrollo y la Conservación (Fundaeco)

Guatemala Green Building Council (GGBC)

Long Way Home
Long Way Home is a 501c3 that strives for economic and environmental justice, through green building, equitable employment, and education. Long Way Home’s central project in Guatemala is the building of the Centro Educativo Tecnico Chixot, among others, a zero-waste and completely sustainable building. Long Way Home also offers courses in green building, permaculture, rain harvesting, suberadobe, dry composting toilets, and many more to give people around the world the opportunity to learn about zero waste living.

National Organizations