National Organizations


ARCAS Guatemala is a nonprofit based in Guatemala whose mission is focused on the rescue and rehabilitation of endangered wildlife, environmental education, sustainable community development, and sustainable economic alternatives to tourism and business. ARCAS works in three main areas of Guatemala, in Guatemala City, the Northern department of Peten, and the Hawaii region of the Southern coast.

Asociación de Comunidades Forestales de Petén (ACOFOP)

Asociación de Comunidades Forestales de Petén (Association of Forest Communities of Petén) is a community based organization made of 24 rural, farm and indigenous communities. AOFCOP uses forest management to guarantee the sustainable usage of the forests in Petén, Guatemala. Some of the projects they are involved in include Guatercarbon, an initiative to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the Mayan biosphere reserve, and economic reactivation, a program to teach sustainable agriculture in local communities.

Asociación de Reservas Naturales Privadas de Guatemala (ARNPG)

Asociación de Reservas Naturales Privadas de Guatemala (ARNPG) is a nonprofit organization founded by private nature reserve owners  in Guatemala. The association preserves the environment through the platform which allows privately-registered land owners to convene and discuss better ways to protect the benefits of a healthy environment. Through multiple educational school programs, the creation of conferences, knowledge sharing, and volunteer opportunities in  funded conservation projects, ARNPG nourishes a healthier planet.

Asociación Vivamos Mejor

Asociación Vivamos Mejor Guatemala is a non-profit, civil society organization that works closely with aid agricultural communities in Guatemala who work with the environment every day. These crucial agricultural workers are already feeling the negative effects of climate change as Guatemala is one of the countries most impacted. To help this vulnerable group Vivamos Mejor has deployed various hands-on programs in nutrition, agroecology, conservation, and climate risk management and adaptation. Since 1989 these programs of Vivamos Mejor have directly benefited the well-being of thousands of Guatemalans in agricultural and Indigenous communities, while also forwarding greater environmental protection and understanding. The most notable achievement of the organization is the Center for Education for Rural Development and Adaptation to Climate Change which was established in 2013 to realize the vision of the foundation through the power of education. At this school Guatemalan farmers can learn technical skills that improve their harvests along with environmental sustainability.

Defensores de la Naturaleza

Defensores de la Naturaleza is a Guatemalan NGO focused on the conservation of the country’s biological and cultural diversity through the sustainable use of natural resources in harmony with human development throughout the nation. Defensores manages 4 protected areas in Guatemala or 5% of the national territory, Sierra de las Minas Biosphere Reserve, Bocas del Polochic Wildlife Refuge, Sierra del Lacandón National Park and Naciones Unidas National Park. Nearly 80% of the country’s plant and animal species can be found in the areas Defensores oversees. Not only does Defensores engage in wildlife and plant conservation, the organization is active in the promotion of sustainable forest management as well as land use planning and in the development of eco-tourism as well as sustainable business practices.


Ecociudadanos is a civil association dedicated to educating Guatemalans about environmental issues and inspiring individuals to change their day-to-day habits that can cause harm to the planet. The association seeks to create ecocitizens through sharing knowledge on how to live less environmentally-impactful lives. Guided by the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and aided with thousands of volunteer hours, Ecociudadanos has helped to restore Guatemalan forests, protect sea turtles on its coast, constructed projects based on a circular economy, and provided countless lectures and trainings about sustainable living.

Fundación para el Ecodesarrollo y la Conservación (Fundaeco)

Since 1990, FUNDAECO (Foundation for Eco-development and Conservation) is one of the main conservation organizations of Guatemala, working to protect natural ecosystems and their environmental services, and to promote sustainable livelihoods for poor and vulnerable communities in regions of high biodiversity. For over the 30 years, FUNDAECO has supported the establishment and management of 26 nature protected areas in Guatemala; partnered with over 200 rural communities in sustainable development projects.

Guatemala Green Building Council (GGBC)

The Guatemala Green Building Council (GGBC) facilitates the construction of sustainable infrastructure in Guatemala. The GGBC is a member of a global network of fellow Green Building Councils. The organization provides resources, training, and certifications for Guatemalans seeking to build environmentally-friendly buildings (or renovate existing ones). With 24 LEED accredited professionals and 19 LEED certified projects, the GGBC is a leader in sustainable development within Guatemala.

Long Way Home

Long Way Home is a 501c3 that strives for economic and environmental justice, through green building, equitable employment, and education. Long Way Home’s central project in Guatemala is the building of the Centro Educativo Tecnico Chixot, among others, a zero-waste and completely sustainable building. Long Way Home also offers courses in green building, permaculture, rain harvesting, suberadobe, dry composting toilets, and many more to give people around the world the opportunity to learn about zero waste living.

National Organizations

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