Baltic Environmental Forum Estonia (BEF EE)

Baltic Environmental Forum Estonia (BEF EE) was founded in 2003 as a non-governmental, non-profit organization which aims to promote knowledge and advice on environmental and natural protection issues. They offer expert advice on hazardous substances, climate change adaptation, and nature conservation to companies and governmental agencies. BEF EE emphasizes environmental education and their main goal is contributing to sustainability by increasing knowledge and improving the skills of different stakeholders. Many of their projects are working to increase climate resilience in Estonian municipalities through capacity-building, analytical work, and action plans.


***Categories: Conservation, Climate, Education, Research, Public Participation

Estonian Fund for Nature (ELF)

ELF is a NGO that seeks to resist developments that pose a systemic or very serious threat to the nature of our country. They are focused on the three major ecosystems of our nature: the forest, the sea and wetlands, and their creatures. Not only do they play a significant role in protecting Estonian land, but they also deal with climate change mitigation by monitoring the delivery of the Estonian state in setting environmental protection rules and compiling development plans for restoration of damaged areas and environmentally friendly behavior.


***Categories: Individuals, Biodiversity, Climate Change, Conservation

Cleantech ForEst

Cleantech ForEst is a non-profit that supports and funds early stage green technology startups, advances environmental education and supports energy experts. They have already funded 31 startups and supported 49 young sustainability experts, who focus on tackling climate change. They are partners with ClimateLaunchPad, the world’s largest green business ideas competition, and run Estonia’s key sustainability networking events – Cleantech Breeze, Idea Days and international hacking event Climathon.


***Categories: Individuals, Businesses, Organizations

Let’s Do It! World

Let’s Do It! World is a NGO and global civic movement that initiated from Estonia, asking people worldwide to join a series of local, national and regional clean-up events. They are founder of World Cleanup Day and have other projects that focus on education for sustainable development. They also tackle environmental and social problems related to illegally dumped solid waste by mobilizing millions of positive-minded, action-orientated people and using innovative technological solutions to deal with waste issues in over 150 countries around the world.


***Categories: Individuals, Communities



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