The National Forum for Environment & Health
The National Forum for Environment & Health (NFEH) is a non-profit NGO created to increase public awareness of environmental, education, and healthcare issues in Pakistan, especially among children and youth. The NFEH works to combat environmental issues such as deforestation, water scarcity, and air pollution. They place emphasis on preservation of the natural environment in order to lessen the effects and risks associated with climate change. They organize conferences, workshops, seminars, and other events to increase awareness and promote education of these issues.
***Categories: Individuals, Youth
The Society for Conservation & Protection of the Environment (SCOPE) is an NGO established in 1988 for the preservation of the environment and natural resources of Pakistan. Some of the topics of their work include: climate change mitigation, water sanitation, environmental law and policy campaigns, biodiversity conservation, combating drought and desertification in Pakistan, and social mobilization of specific groups and communities. SCOPE notes that Pakistan will be disproportionately affected by climate change regardless of the fact that it does not contribute as much to climate change as many other countries. Their climate change plan includes an emphasis on practical mitigation and adaptation techniques.
***Categories: Individuals, Organizations
Environmental & Societal Development Foundation
ESDF, or the Environmental & Societal Development Foundation is a Pakistani organization working towards improvement for all of humanity, regardless of race, class, or beliefs. The largest aims of ESDF include action on climate change mitigation, improving sustainable development, promoting a green economy, and societal development. Their work includes: infrastructure and waste management projects, disseminating information on climate change and environmental policy, supporting local sustainability groups, hosting conferences and trainings, and assisting the formation of new sustainability organizations.
***Categories: Individuals
WBM Foundation
The WBM Foundation is a Pakistani NGO focused on tackling pollution, wasteful consumption of natural resources and the conservation of the world’s biological diversity. The WBM Foundation strives to preserve a sustainable Pakistan with a rich diversity for future generations.
***Categories: NGOs
National Cleaner Production Center Foundation
The National Cleaner Production Center Foundation (NCPC) is a sustainability organization which strives for cleaner production practices and more eco-friendly waste management. NCPC offers consultations and services to aid companies and organizations in transitioning towards more sustainable practices.
***Categories: NGOs
National Organizations