Goals and Unique Qualities

We believe that everyone has the potential to become a global problem solver and leader. With this pledge we strive to inspire, connect, and bring people together to take action. Collectively, we aim to empower people everywhere to work toward eradicating the climate crisis and unitedly build a more just, peaceful, and loving world.


  • Engage 2 billion people in climate action.
  • Include participants from every single country in the world with diverse stakeholders, including citizens, businesses, cities, regions, Indigenous people, religious organizations, etc.
  • Establish leaders (citizen leaders, NGO leaders, government leaders, religious leaders, etc,) for the Pledge in every single country.
  • Holding press events and signatory action events in every country.
  • Inspire 8 billion new climate actions.
  • Stabilize our climate to not exceed 2 degrees Celsius warming above pre-industrial levels.
  • Inspire new innovations, activities, actions, organizations, and leaders to stabilize our climate and create a new and inspiring future for all.

Unique Qualities of Global Climate Pledge

  • The Global Climate Pledge is an inspiring, ambitious new movement inviting all to take climate action and come together in an exciting step toward a promising future!
  • Both for Individuals, along with the diverse stakeholder (we have 2 different pledges for them to sign)
  • We have very specific, ambitious goals
  • We have a Pledge, but we also include specific action items to apply
  • Nobody is left behind or ignored. We are focused on diversity in getting signatories in EVERY country, territory, province, city, etc
  • We are engaging SME’s and not just corporations
  • Engaging Chambers of Commerce that have an ethic toward sustainability
  • We are focused on diversity in getting signatories from various stakeholders (tribes, religious orgs, cities, regions, businesses, trade orgs, etc)
  • Our pledge inspires and focuses on positive ways toward change — not just on crises or negatives. Yes, we need to understand and educate about challenges, but we must be excited by all the progress we can make together and the brighter future we can all create.

There is absolutely NOTHING else like this to create a POSITIVE GLOBAL MOVEMENT!


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